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Reports until 21:49, Sunday 09 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:49, Sunday 09 August 2015 (20364)
phasing refl 9 WFS

Jenne, Gabriele, Sheila

After the calibration work and before the Solomon Islands earthquake, we got a chance to try phasing refl 9 WFS.  The first of the attached screenshots show the phase before we started, and the second shows the phases now.  

We tuned them by injecting a line in the mode cleaner length at 11Hz, with the ASC on and 3 Watts of input power.  When we started the signal in I and Q was about equal, when we finished most of the quadrants had a factor of 3-4 more signal in I than Q.  REFL B quadrant 1 was strange, we weren't able to change the amplitude of the line, but the noise in the two quadrants was clearly changing as we rotated the phase.  

We then made a pitch excitation in CHARD and saw about 8 dB more signal in I than Q for both REFL A and B.  

We think these settings should be OK for relocking, because the IFO stayed locked while we were changing them.  We haven't tested this though because of the earthquake.  

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