Reports until 20:35, Monday 10 August 2015
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:35, Monday 10 August 2015 (20395)
Dust glitches in TR signals

Reed E., Erik K., Matt E.

In order to explore the possibility that the big glitches in DARM come from ambient dust events in the arms, we took a look at the transmitted power signals.  In a perfect world, these should dip if something falls trough the beam.

We found that that dust glitches also appear in the X and Y TR signals (e.g., ASC-{X,Y}_TR_{A,B}_NSUM_OUT_DQ) with large amplitude (see first 2 plots).  Interestingly, both arms are affected, though the arm where the dust is not falling appears to see a low-passed version of the disturbance (e.g., via the DARM cavity pole).

Some of the glitches looked at by Gabriele also seem to appear weakly in the TR signals, though a more sophisticated analysis will be needed to draw conclusions about the efficiency of these signals as a veto.

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