Reports until 21:15, Monday 10 August 2015
H1 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:15, Monday 10 August 2015 (20398)

Attached is the whiteboard list of tomorrow's scheduled tuesday maintenance activites.

We'll start with some hardware related work, and follow up with an ASC model restart.  As usual, please let us know when you are coming and going to VEAs, whether for listed work or not, so we can ensure efficiency of everyone's work.

1st wave tasks:

Fix 1st loop ISS servo card

Install PI AA chassis (Ex, EY)

Install TCSx viewport temp sensor

Finish SEI "safe" .snaps


Stagger start in 1st wave task:

Pcal work at Ey

Sweep VEAs for test equipment that needs to come home

PEM injection setup


2nd wave tasks:

ASC model restart

REVERT EX FE computer to original machine

DAQ Restart

Images attached to this report