Reports until 04:07, Tuesday 11 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:07, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20403)
Sum and null of OMC DCPDs closer together

This is a report by Jenne.

[Sheila, Jenne, Cheryl, Evan]

We have (finally) recovered from the input pointing adventures of the day. 

In the end, I think all we did was some hand alignment to get the ASC error signals small-ish, so that the loops could take over without pulling down the power buildups.  We are now able to go all the way through the guardian states automatically.

This is the first low-noise lock since the EOM driver was replaced earlier today with the new box that can suppress amplitude noise of the sideband (20392).  From Lisa's log post (20131), we see that a useful comparison is the OMC DCPD Null stream with the Sum.  In the plot below, the dotted line references are from August 1st, when we still had the old 45 MHz driver. The solid lines are from tonight.  The null stream is the same then and now, (as it should be), but the sum has come down significantly. This means that our OMC DCPD is now closer to the shot noise limit, since we have better suppressed this RFAM noise.

[Edit: It's true that the coherent excess in the DCPD sum has been decreased, but there is still a broadband excess everywhere from 400 Hz to 7 kHz, and we still see broadband coherence between DCPDs A and B with AS C. See second attachment (the IOP channel is AS C segment 1). Might be worthwhile to try varying the modulation index. —Evan]

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