Reports until 13:36, Tuesday 11 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20432)
SDF Bugs

A few SDF bugs for the next upgrade please:


1)  Today, in SDF I needed to UNMONITOR 2000 channels on H1 LSCAUX.  However the SELECT ALL - MON button at the top of the column of 40-per-page does not let you mass-select channels from the the FULL TABLE view.  You can only mass-select from the DIFF table.  However, if there are no diffs on the channels, they don't show up.  Likely this is because the FULL LIST is a mixed bag of monitored and unmonitored channels.  Maybe we need to add a MONITORED table to the drop down options?


2)  Sometimes channels get moved into the CHANS NOT MON list with or without a setpoint.  (See attached.)  Probably not a big deal, but annoyingly inconsistent.  Today, I moved many of the channels shown in the attached picture to the not mon list and only some of them have a setpoint.

Images attached to this report