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Reports until 14:40, Tuesday 11 August 2015
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:40, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20435)
CO2X viewport temperature sensor installation attempt

Elli, Alastair, Nutsinee

The CO2X IR temperature sensor doesn't behave like it should. I turned the variable resistor while pointing the sensor out to the room until it tripped, turn it back a quater turn to untrip it, put my hand infront of it and it didn't trip. Then I tried 1/8th of a turn (still required a quarter turn from the tripping point to untrip the alarm), still couldn't trip it. Eventually I turned the resistor so close to the tripping point and still was not able to trip it with my hand. We didn't have this problem with the CO2Y IR sensor we installed last week. We are suspecting bad sensor and now looking for a spare. Hope to try again next Tuesday (given the spare sensor is found). The sensor mount has been installed on the viewport.

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