Reports until 16:44, Tuesday 11 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 09:58, Wednesday 12 August 2015(20443)
CDS maintenance summary

h1susex re-install original computer WP5430

Dave, Carlos, Jim:

The original h1susex front end computer was re-installed at EX to fix the glitching seen with the newer faster computers. The script which was clearing the EX glitch errors has been stopped, any FEC errors will now latch on until cleared by the operator.

h1tcscs model change WP5422

Duncan, Nutsinee, Dave:

The new L1 TCS model was installed on h1tcscs. A new TCS_MASTER.mdl was used. The h1tcscs.mdl file was modified to: add the ez_ca_read parts to get TCS CO2 and Ring Heater channels from the Beckhoff computers (corner and end stations) into the model; add new inputs to the CO2 parts for RH input; add ODC output from the CO2 parts; add new ODC block; add SHMEM ODC sender (to be injested by h1odcmaster model).

I discovered that there is a naming mis-match in the Beckhoff Ring Heater channels in the corner station slow controls system. There is no mismatch in the end station Beckhoff systems. I modified h1tcscs use use the H1 names.

Conlog channel reconfiguration


After the TCS, CAL and ASC model changes I rescanned the channel lists for Conlog. It still showed a disconnection for the Guardian LSC_CONFIG node, which I tracked down to a very out-of-date autoBurt.req file for h1guardian0 target. I updated the autoBurt.req file and reconfigured Conlog, it is now happy.

H1LSCAUX filter coeff load


The h1lscaux model was reporting a modified filter file. I took a look and could not see any difference between the current file and the archived file. I pushed the coeff-load button to clear this.

DAQ Restart


After the TCS, CAL and ASC model changes, the DAQ was restarted. There were no GDS frame broadcaster changes made today (ECR is pending).

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 16:48, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20445)

CDS overview is nice and green. The only red we expect are the TIM bits on the ETM Quad Suspension models now they are running on slower computers (a rate of about four per day is anticipated). We are investigating offloading the violin mode monitors from these models to resolve this.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 17:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20446)

I have updated the RCG Versions MEDM screen, all models are running RCG SVN version 4054 (2.9.6)

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 23:56, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20457)

Dave mentioned to me if you notice a red TIM error on the ETM models (i.e. H1SUSEY [EX]), click the button for the offending ETM (i.e. H1SUSETMX_GDS_TP.adl).  Here you will notice a red CPU Max value.  To clear this, hit the Diag Reset button on the upper right of the window (under the GPS time).

I did this for ETMx at around 6:50utc (23:50pt).

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 09:58, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20475)

model restarts logged for Tue 11/Aug/2015

2015_08_11 08:37 h1calcs
2015_08_11 08:57 h1iopsusex
2015_08_11 08:57 h1susetmx
2015_08_11 08:57 h1susetmxpi
2015_08_11 08:57 h1sustmsx
2015_08_11 09:00 h1alsex
2015_08_11 09:00 h1calex
2015_08_11 09:00 h1hpietmx
2015_08_11 09:00 h1iopiscex
2015_08_11 09:00 h1iopseiex
2015_08_11 09:00 h1iscex
2015_08_11 09:00 h1isietmx
2015_08_11 09:00 h1pemex
2015_08_11 10:15 h1asc
2015_08_11 12:03 h1tcscs

2015_08_11 12:54 h1broadcast0
2015_08_11 12:54 h1dc0
2015_08_11 12:54 h1fw0
2015_08_11 12:54 h1fw1
2015_08_11 12:54 h1nds0
2015_08_11 12:54 h1nds1

no unexpected restarts. CAL model change, SUS-EX computer swap-out, ASC model change, TCS-CS model change,  supporting DAQ restart.