Reports until 20:57, Tuesday 11 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:57, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20454)
IFO Maintenance Recovery Complete -- but IFO not brought to Low Noise
J. Kissel, for the locking recovery team (S. Dwyer, J. Driggers, B. Weaver, J. Warner, T. Shaffer, C. Gray, K. Kawabe)

During the heat of battle, today's maintenance day seem no less chaotic than the past month of horrific Teusdays. However, all being said, we were able to recover the IFO to DC READOUT by 23:30 UTC (4:30p PDT). The commissioning team has decided to stay in DC READOUT for further work on the ASC system for stability further up the guardian state ladder, so they consider the IFO recovered. (This does mean we have not yet confirmed that we can completely recovered the ~60-70 MPC IFO, but we have no evidence to suspect that today's maintenance activities have spoiled the *noise* of the instrument).

The biggest problems / time sucks and lessons learned from today:
(a) (30 minutes) (10:15 - 10:45) After the ASC model restart, we found the EPICS settings for unmonitored channels in SDF system had setting that meant the ASC was blasting the suspensions with non-sense. LHO aLOG 20442
(b) (30 minutes) (12:15 - 12:45) Communication issues between small side commissioning projects cause the IMC to go into high power with lock/unlock oscillations. (no aLOGs yet)
(c) (2 hours) (12:55 - 14:55) Discovering the the ASC output matrix had been reshuffled in the model but not on the MEDM screen, so we were feeding green WFS control to the wrong suspensions. LHO aLOG 20433.

Also it didn't cause a loss in recovery time, but they did cause greater confusion for the recovery team and expose that we still have a failure of communication:
(d) TMSX satellite amp repair was not planned, nor was the operator or relocking team informed that it was happening while it was happening LHO aLOG 20448.

Regarding (b) and (d), the intent is not to further shame or embarrass anyone (and apologies if it does, no offense is meant). The point is to remind you that the relocking team is here to help you. If you have a commissioning or repair task that needs doing, tell us ahead of time (the Monday prior, preferably, but at least a few hours in advance), so we can coordinate your task with all other tasks that we know will be going on. We've worked hard to make sure we know everything that is planned to better help those activities succeed. If you tell us ahead of time, we have a chance to think about the broader impact, and can hopefully avoid collisions, and reduce recovery time. Our experience and the interferometer has informed us that no matter how little impact you think your commissioning or repair task will have, it will have an impact on the IFO or someone else's little commissioning/repair task, so let's work together to minimize it!

We are getting better at this, thank you for everyone's hard work and help.