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Reports until 00:59, Wednesday 12 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:59, Wednesday 12 August 2015 - last comment - 01:04, Wednesday 12 August 2015(20458)
ASC work tonight

Jenne, Sheila, Terra, Cheryl, Corey

Tonight we worked on some ASC (the wind was gusting to 30mph when we started this, the IFO locked just fine but the buildups were fluctating at low frequencies).  At first we wanted to check on CHARD.  We increased the gain for CHARD P by 6dB, and then were able to add a gentle boost (the same MSboost used in DHARD) to increase the gain at low frequencies.  The attched screenshot and template were measured at 3Watts, with the new configuration (which is in guardian) and the ITM oplevs on.  For an old measurement taken at 23 Watts see Evan's alog 19934

Jenne did a similar job for yaw, adding the same gentle boost, and including the 20dB in the guardian. Both the pitch and Yaw loops could have ugfs below 1 Hz as the power increases, but they should be stable.

Once we increased the power to 24 Watts, we found we weren't stable for more than 5 minutes.  This happened both before and after the CHARD changes.  We ran Hang's lockloss script which picked MICH ASC loops as a suspicous channel.  We locked at 15 Watts were we seemed to be indefintely stable, and measured both MICH loops.  They look fine, I'm just attaching them here so we have the templates. 

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 01:04, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20461)

For posterity, here is the CHARD Yaw measurement. 

Blue is before putting in the MsBoost, Red is afterward.  It's hard to see the effect of the boost in magnitude, since we didn't wait to finish the low frequency portion of the measurement, but the phase descrepancy between red and blue exactly matches the Foton filter, so we were satisfied.

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