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Reports until 10:13, Wednesday 12 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:13, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20477)
ADC lists generated after yesterday's model changes

DetChar has requested we generate the front end model ADC channel lists. This is a new RCG feature in which all the ADC channels a model uses are listed along with the name and type of the first connected part in the simulink model. This feature is in the trunk release of RCG and not available in RCG-2.9.6. To generate the lists I performed a "make -i World" in the trunk build area (taking care to save the H1.ipc file before and ensuring it was not modified). I then copied the files from their build area into the location these files will eventually occupy (/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/adc/). I then copied these files over to the exports area of the web server for offsite access:


Note that the ADC numbering always starts from zero and is not necessarily the physical card number. For example, h1tcscs.mdl has two adc parts (called ADC0 and ADC1), which are card_num 2 and 3 (the third and fourth ADCs in the chassis). In the h1tcscs_adclist.txt file the cards are referenced as 0 and 1.

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