Reports until 16:00, Monday 16 January 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Monday 16 January 2012 - last comment - 17:23, Monday 16 January 2012(2048)
ERM Pitch and ETM Vertical Position Measurements

J. Oberling, B. Bland, T. Sadecki

Betsy noted that a cable was rubbing on the side of the LSAT and that this cable was influencing pitch.  She corrected this and I measured the ERM pitch in the single, double and triple hang configurations:

Betsy then put the reaction chain in the double hang configuration and adjusted the pitch to 1.21 mrad down.  I then measured the ERM triple hang pitch again:

This was deemed acceptable for ERM pitch adjustments on the LSAT.

Travis made adjustments to the main chain to lower the ETMy in the quad assembly, then I measured the ETMy roll and vertical position.  Roll is reported as the vertical distance from the ETMy horizontal centerline (measured with an optical level and a scale attached to a carbon fiber rod hanging from the ISI optics table) and vertical position was measured as done on 1-13-2012.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:23, Monday 16 January 2012 (2049)
Pictures attached: The cable interference in the Lower Structure Tooling (LSAT) and then after I unlaced the cable and stuffed it up on the UIM.  I'm not sure how it was envisioned that we use this tooling with cables - this is the first time it has been tried and it's proving to be more work that anticipated.  Likely the cable bundling (the fix) in the tooling still affects the pitch, which will change when we restore the cabling back to it's nominal routing.  So, while we gave up at 2mRad, we know we can get the pitch error smaller in the full hang on the ISI.
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