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Reports until 07:27, Wednesday 12 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:27, Wednesday 12 August 2015 - last comment - 19:08, Wednesday 12 August 2015(20466)
Some LSC loop checks

Some random commissioning tasks from tonight:

LSC rephasing

In full lock, the phases of POP9 and POP45 were adjusted to minimize the appearance of PRCL in POP9Q and the appearance of SRCL in POP45Q. Then the input matrix element for POP9I→SRCL was tuned to minimize the appearance of a PRCL excitation in the SRCL error signal. New settings attached.

We should take a sensing matrix measurement sometime soon.


I took OLTFs of PRCL, MICH, and SRCL. The data are attached.

[I also did some noise injections into CARM for frequency budgeting purposes. Those are attached too.]

Front-end LSC triggering

Jamie and I started this a few weeks ago, and now it is completed.

There are occasions when the DOWN state of the ISC_LOCK guardian (which, among other things, turns off feedback to the suspensions) is not run immediately after a lockloss (e.g., because the guardian is paused or in manual mode). Therefore, Jamie and I set up the LSC trigger matrix so that PRCL, MICH, SRCL, DARM, and MCL are turned off if POP DC goes below 100 normalized counts. This is set in the DRMI_ON_POP state.

CARM gain redistribution in the Guardian

The state REFL_IN_VACUO now redistributes the CARM gain slightly in order to improve the noise performance of the CARM loop. This state has not been tested and has been left commented out.

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Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 19:08, Wednesday 12 August 2015 (20492)

The CARM gain code was uncommented and seems to work fine.

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