Reports until 02:59, Thursday 13 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:59, Thursday 13 August 2015 - last comment - 10:26, Thursday 13 August 2015(20497)
commissioning this afternoon and evening

The main story of the day is related to the non stationary low frequency noise first seen early in the morning. It seems to come from CHARD noise, which could be coupling to DARM more now because of a change in alignment.   

A few ideas for next steps:

We also worked on a few other things today...

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Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 03:04, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20499)

Here is a measurement of CHARD Yaw at high power, overlaid with yesterday's measurements at 23W.  The 23W measurement includes the MsBoost, but not any 23W boost or the lead-plus-cutoff filters that Sheila designed.

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gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - 10:26, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20507)

Here is how I retuned the A2L. I injected some band limited noise (ellip band pass 1-100 Hz, amplitude 20000 cts) on ETMX_L2 L2L, P2P and Y2Y paths, with the P2L and Y2L gains set to zero. The measurements were good between 20 and 100 Hz. The ratios -P2P/L2L and -Y2Y/L2L are what we need to implement in the correction paths. Those trasnfer functions are quite constant above 30 Hz, but not so much below 30 Hz. We would need a better (sweep sine) measurement if we want to improve the decoupling below 20 Hz.

I changed the gains of the P2L and Y2L of ETMX as follows:

P2L from 1.18 to 1.03

Y2L from 1.33 to 1.23

Coherence of DARM with CHARD reduced at low frequency. However, we reverted to the old numbers to investigate the low frequency non stationary noise.

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