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Reports until 16:16, Thursday 13 August 2015
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20501)
Ops Day Shift Log

Times in UTC (PST)

15:15 (8:15) Karen opening rollup door in receiving.

15:54 (8:54) Fil to roof.

17:00 (10:00) Fill off roof.

17:11 (10:11) Jason, Ed to optics lab.

17:26 (10:26) Kyle, Gerardo to Y28 port on Yarm

17:48 (10:48) Gerardo back from Y28

17:57 (10:57) Gerardo to EY to look at a wireless card

18:30 (11:30 Kyle, Gerardo back

20:30 (13:30) Kyle, Gerardo to Y28

22:10 (15:10) John to Y28



Locking this morning wasn't too sucessful, it would drop lock at ENGAGE_ASC every time in what seemed to be the same place. Jim W and I decided to run that state by hand in a Guardian terminal. Doing this showed that changing matrix elements in ASC input yaw, for SRC1 from AS_B_REF36I to AS_A_REF36I was dropping the lock. We got Gabriele involved and he saw that the error signal was no longer good for AS_A. Gabriele and Sheila have changed some things around and it seems to be holding lock now though!

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.