Reports until 09:21, Thursday 13 August 2015
vincent.roma@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:21, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20505)
All accelerometers, magnetometers, and microphones tested at LHO within the last month. PEM Status.
All accelerometers, magnetometers, and microphones tested at LHO within the last month.
All of the accelerometers have been tap tested and seem to be working as expected.  Currently there are 47 installed and working, as listed on LigoCAM.  There is one final accelerometer to be installed at EY on the TRANS table.  This should be installed today within a week.
All magnetometers (11 of them) are installed and working with the exception of the Input Optics magnetometer (next to HAM2).  Currently it has no power but Filberto is aware and is repairing it.  All three channels are visible on LigoCAM as disconnected, as expected.
18 microphones are installed at LHO.  2 of them, both at EY, are not currently working due to a lack of pre-amp boxes.  The rest have been tested and are responsive.
Other sensors and PEM work still to be done:
The seismometers are all in place (6 of them), including in the vault, however the Y mid-station seismometer has recently stopped working properly.  Initial fixes were unsuccesful so it likely needs repairs.
The tilt-meters are each end station are working but the corner station meter seems to have an electrical problem and needs to be repaired.  Filberto has been notified.
The radio antennas are all installed, on the roof and in the VEAs. but still need some electrical work before their channels are online.  Richard is running cables from the roof to the electronics room and then the radio receivers need to be DC powered.
PEM website :
LigoCAM displays the status of PEM channels at both sites and is linked to from the PEM page.  The Hanford LigoCAM page is here: