Reports until 14:36, Thursday 13 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Thursday 13 August 2015 - last comment - 14:44, Thursday 13 August 2015(20516)
ETM FE slowness

A follow up on how the "new" old, slower FE computers have been running from Jim Batch:


If you trend H1:FEC-88_CPU_METER over the last 45 days, you can see 
what the h1susetmx was using before we installed the new "faster" 
computer, and when we reinstalled the original computer. 

After the "faster" computer was installed, changes were made to the
model which increased the amount of time the model uses, so now it is
over the limit frequently. 

On the DAQ test stand, we removed a portion of the changes that were
made which only calculated values and reported them with EPICS
channels.  That can be done in the corner station instead of sending 
the signal to the end station to be calculated.  The saving was 
3 to 4 uS which is enough to keep the model running under the max 
limit most of the time.

ECR E1500376 has been filed to move violin mode monitoring channels off of these machines and into the OAF one.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 14:44, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20517)
Attached is the plot of h1susetmx CPU usage over the last 45 days mentioned in the alog.
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