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Reports until 19:36, Thursday 13 August 2015
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:36, Thursday 13 August 2015 (20520)
Potential ISI blade damper scheme to reduce acoustic coupling

I got a factor of 3 or so reduction in motion (Figure 1) of a test stand blade spring with a captured mass on Viton pads that attaches to the end of the blade (Figure 2). I think that further development requires a better test stand with a loaded blade spring.  The damper is made of a 3” long, 1” square steel bar on adjustable Viton pads held inside a square aluminum tube with a 1.25” inner diameter. I think this should be reasonable to install (see photo of blade spring in place, Figure 3). In my setup I use a C-clamp to attach it to the blade spring in place of a small integrated clamp like the magnet-free blade clamps designed for SUS. I suspect that the Q is higher for the real setup than for my setup, so the improvement may be better in real life.

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