Reports until 01:46, Friday 14 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:46, Friday 14 August 2015 (20524)
Excess DARM noise vs. 45 MHz modulation index

Gabriele, Sheila, Evan

Today we looked at how changing the 45 MHz modulation index changes the appearance of broadband excess noise in the DCPDs. As one should expect, this coupling goes like the square of the modulation index. With our current index, the excess of the sum over the null is about 8 %.

To be a bit more quantitative:

We tried to reduce the modulation index further, but by 4 dB it seems the interferometer will not stay locked for longer than a minute or so. While changing the modulation index we can see that the uncontrolled quadratures of the AS 36 WFS change, perhaps indicating that the error signals for the BS and SRM loops are also changing in an undesirable way.

The attachment shows the DCPD streams, along with the EOM driver RFAM readback and the IOP channel of ASC AS C segment 1. The solid traces are taken at the nominal modulation index, and the dashed traces are taken with a modulation index that is 3 dB lower.

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