Reports until 16:04, Saturday 15 August 2015
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20554)
Ops Day Shift


Times in UTC (PST)

1743 (1043) Nominal Low Noise

1752 (1052) Robert heading to Yarm  injecting dust

1810 (1110) Lockloss (A bit of seismic activity maybe?)

1828 (1128) Robert baack

1922 (1222) Nominal Low Noise

1925 (1225) Robert off to inject again

1929 (1229) Lockloss (Nothing obvious from the lockloss tool, seismic was low, wind is low, I'm not sure what caused it)

1958 (1258) Nominal Low Noise

2029 (1329) Lockloss (Terramon predicted an earthquake to arrive at 1335 PST, maybe it was off a bit)

2208 (1508) Nominal Low Noise

2214 (1514) Robert to Y arm for dust injections

2244 (1544) Lockloss