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Reports until 16:01, Sunday 16 August 2015
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Sunday 16 August 2015 (20567)
Ops Day Shift

Arrived with the IFO in Nominal Low Noise for 12+ hours.

Two things were a bit odd though: The ISS second loop was not engaged, and I didnt see an alog about that being done on purpose. Second, the the Inspiral range has been dropping from 70Mpc for about an hour since I arrived. We are down to about 40Mpc at 15:19 UTC. I'm trying to find a cause and I will log if I find anything.

Log in UTC:

1539 Robert making noise injections.

1547 Lockloss

1608 Robert to LVEA

1624 Robert out

1657 Started Initial Alignment

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