Reports until 18:18, Sunday 16 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:18, Sunday 16 August 2015 (20572)
SRM offloading to M1

Evan, Sheila, Jenne, Stefan

we have been intending to offload the SRM length control to M1 (instead of M2) for some time now.  This is now done in the guardian, and is basically a copy of what was done in alog 19850.  The only difference is a 50Hz Cheby low pass, which is used as a cut off instead of a 70 Hz elliptic.  This is in the ISC_DRMI guardian now. 

I have turned off the L2P and L2Y decoupling, as I could only use very low gain with them on.  


Neither the PRM nor SRM had a true integrator in the top stage, now they both have one which we have engaged by hand, and the guardian has been edited to turn these on, which we will test after our next lockloss. 

Last update: We've tested the integrator switching on now, its fine.