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Reports until 01:37, Monday 17 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:37, Monday 17 August 2015 (20580)
making SDF greener

Jenne and I spent some time making SDF green before the enigneering run starts in the morning.  

The main things that are still showing diffs are HAM1 HPI, some violin mode damping settings on ITMY, and many diffs in CALCS.  

While we were doing this we noticed a potentially nasty trick that SDF does.  We chose some channels that should be not monitored from the list of DIFFs, and right as I was about to CONFIRM, the IFO lost lock.  A new diff showed up on the top of the list, and the channels I had intended to not mon were moved down the list, but the yellow squares stayed in the same place.  It would have been verry easy to miss this and apply the action to the wrong channels.  Jenne is putting this in bugzilla.  

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