Betsy, Richard, JeffG, Anamaria ETMY now has an iMac work station near the clean room. The electronics chain will hopefully be closed tomorrow, once the feedthrough has been cleaned (to my knowledge the last piece missing). The models are running on the front end, h2susetmy. We've loaded the filters and epics values necessary (using the load_medm_values and prepare scripts in SusSVN), so it *should* all be ok. In order to fix previously mentioned issues of sign flip and dc gain, we've entered dumb OSEM input filters by hand as a simple zero at 10 Hz and pole at 4 Hz. When the scripts are fixed, we will rerun them to get in whatever filters we decide on. We also copied over the damping filters from ITMY, by hand. Had to change some filter bank gains to match production electronics. Saved a burt file with today's date in /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/userapps/release/sus/h2/burtfiles/etmy/ and committed it to svn. Just in case.