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Reports until 16:16, Monday 17 August 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Monday 17 August 2015 (20605)
OPS Day Shift Summary

15:10 Lockloss due to EQ in Mariana Islands

16:05 Fil to CER to investigate cosmic ray detector noise

16:06 Fred down both arms with BBC crew

16:07 Peter to diode room to take pics

16:10 Peter out

16:21 JimW taking HAM1 HEPI down for filter install

16:27 Richard to CER

17:00 Kyle and Gerardo to Y-2-8 for ion pump work

17:07 Fil and Richard done

19:03 Kyle and Gerardo back

19:15 started initial alignment

19:35 Fil and Richard to MX PEM vault

19:54 locked low noise

20:05 Richard and Fil done

21:02 Kyle and Gerardo back to Y-2-8

Locking summary:  Several short lock stretches today after an initial alignment post-earthquakes.  Most of the locklosses can be attributed to local seismic activity.  Others are being investigated by commissioners.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.