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Reports until 21:56, Monday 17 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:56, Monday 17 August 2015 (20616)
8/17 Maintenance Day / Re-locking Team Plan
J. Kissel, J. Oberling, B. Weaver

Up to bat for the Recovery Team tomorrow:
Operator: T. Sadecki
DetEng: B. Weaver, J. Oberling
Commissioning: J. Driggers

Attached is tomorrow's Maintenance Plan. The major activities (i.e. those with the greatest impact) will be 
- an adjustment of the PSL's PMC Temperature to try to restore the full power output, and
- moving the violin mode monitors out of the QUAD models and into the OAF model to try to reduce the computation turn-around time for the ETMs and mitigate timing overages with the slower front ends.

Full List (In Chronological Order):
1st Wave (as soon as Peter arrives in the morning)
- Adjust temperature / alignment of PMC remotely from control room

2nd Wave (~8:00 am)
- Monitor PMC temperature / alignment of PMC, if remote change doesn't have desired affect, then PSL incursion.
- Commissioning HEPI HAM1 inertial isolation
- Remove violin mode damping from QUADs, Install into OAF
- Updates to ODC MASTER model to include/update TCS
- New power supply on corner-station TCS Hartmann WFS
- New power supply on corner-station PEM electronics

3rd Wave (~9:00a)
- Add all newly requested channels to GDS broadcaster, low-latency frames
- Total GDS package upgrade
- Charge measurements on ETMs
- Watch for Beckhoff crash at EX

The hope is to begin recovery by 10a, such that we have a full IFO back up and running by 12p PT! This looks to be a pretty light maintenance day (finally!), but we'll see how it goes.
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