Reports until 21:46, Monday 17 August 2015
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:46, Monday 17 August 2015 (20617)
Semi automation of CAL CS maintenance

I wrote python scripts that copy the ETMY suspension digital filters and turn the right combination of the filters in the simulated ETMY in CAL CS.

The scripts are now in the following svn locations. It would be ideal if anyone who makes a modification run the following scripts to update the CAL CS suspension filters.



At the time being, they are written in a hardcoded way so that they only do the copy and paste operations only for the SUS ETMY filters and it does not even look at the other quad suspensions. The 1st script uses the python foton bindings to copy the foton filters from H1SUSETMY.txt over to H1CALCS.txt. The 2nd script uses nds2 to check the filter settings at a past point and copy the settings for the CAL CS filters. Right now the code does not look beautiful at all because I use the sfm option of the command line cdsutils. I am hoping that I can replace them by fancier functions at some point. For now, they should be good enough. I have tested each code several times in this evening and they seemed to be functional as intended.