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Reports until 08:12, Tuesday 18 August 2015
peter.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:12, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20620)
PMC Temperature/Length Adjustments
A quick entry to capture things as they are.  A more detailed entry will follow.

The Quest was to try and bring back the alignment of the pre-modecleaner by adjusting the temperature
of the body.  In short, it didn't work.  The longer story is that the jury is still out (I'd say).

The body temperature of the pre-modecleaner was ~304.5K when the alignment was notionally good.  The elevated
temperature of the pre-modecleaner was ~305K.  Increasing the voltage on the PZT, by increasing the HVREF
signal, results in the temperature of the pre-modecleaner decreasing.  As expected.  Not surprisingly this
takes quite some time.

The fastest way to bring the temperature down was to turn off the temperature loop.  Set the HVREF to a low
value, req-acquire lock for the PMC and the increase the HVREF to its maximum value and then turn the heater
loop on with the HEATER OFFSET set to zero.

Attached is a plot of the pitch of a pre-modecleaner transmitted beam as monitored by the quadrant photodiode
in the ISS photodiode box.  Clearly both pitch and yaw are affected by the temperature change.  Previously
it wasn't so obvious that yaw was affected but that might be due to the time scale of the temperature changes.

Also attached are plots of the transmitted and reflected output of the pre-modecleaner, and the output power
of the laser during the same time.  There is a slight increase in the transmitted power but nothing to write
home about.

In short it's undoubtedly faster to go in and re-align. 
Images attached to this report
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