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Reports until 12:00, Wednesday 18 January 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:00, Wednesday 18 January 2012 (2063)
BSC6 ETMy STatus
Bland, Sadecki
Yesterday, we worked towards attaching the lower reaction chain to the full QUAD.  We:

- Moved it to the 5-axis scissor lift
- Rerouted and secured the cables on this portion of the chain
- Maneuvered it under the ISI next to the main chain
- Pulled the FirstContact on the ERM HR surface (blew with filtered N2 and drag wiped residual ring around the edge near the ID of the gold coating)
- Pulled the FirstContact from the ETMy AR - found that there was sever streaking on the mass under the FC at the top 3 inches of the sheeting, as well as a smear of FC on centerline, right 3". <- Awww, game over.
- Repainted on new FC sheet with PEEK tab.
- Left it overnight to dry since it was so late in the day.

So, unfortunately we could not get the chain attached due to the FC process.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.