Reports until 10:41, Tuesday 18 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:41, Tuesday 18 August 2015 - last comment - 11:09, Tuesday 18 August 2015(20630)
ETM suspensions running faster after removal of violin mode calculations

following the h1susetm[x,y] model changes this morning to remove the cpu intensive violin mode calculations from the models, the models are now running faster. Looking at second trends over the past few hours, the CPU max ranges before and after the change are shown below

sus before after
ETMX 57-64uS 53-58uS
ETMY 57-62uS 54-57uS

the improvement is in the range of 3uS to 4uS. The TIM bit of the STATE_WORD triggers above 62uS, so we would not expect any more TIM errors on the CDS overview screen.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20633)

This trend plot shows CPU meter and max. The average gain is 4µs.

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