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Reports until 16:37, Tuesday 18 August 2015
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20640)
Accelerometer at End station ISC table

SudarshanK, FilbertoC

We installed an accelerometer at ISCTEY  (ISC table at ENDY) and a patch panel (D1300632) that routes the cable from outside the table to the inside. The corresponding channel for this accelerometer is H1:PEM-EY_ACC_ISCTEY_TRANS_X. The first plot is the spectrum of the newly installed accelerometer.

At ENDY, we installed a patch panel and routed the accelerometer (H1:PEM-EX_ACC_ISCTEX_TRANS_Y) through the patch panel on ISCTEX . The second plot is the spectrum before and after the installation.

Both patch panel were installed on the right side of the table on slot 3-7 which had a quintiple blank (D1100422) to start with. The optical table feedthrough layout document D1101126 for EY and D1201495 for EX needs to updated accordingly. Pictures attached.

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