Reports until 14:46, Tuesday 18 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20645)
X arm IR locking

One of the things that is slow and not optimized well about our inital alingment is the lock of the laser to the Xarm.  This is not a hard problem, just one that we have never taken the time to work on.  This was one of the problems (annoyances) that the relocking team ran into this afternoon.  I had a look at the data from a sucsessfull acquisition, and can see two problems that have simple solutions. 

1) It takes too long to ramp down the feedback from the IMC locking loop.  We have a 3 second pause and a 2 second ramp on this gain.  While both loops are on, they fight each other and the lock is unstable (see attached screenshot).  I would suggest something like a half second for each of these, or even less. 

2)We had a 0.1 second delay on the FM triggering that turns on boosts.  The other day I had reduced this from 0.2, but it is still too long.  We should probably try a shorter FM delay or no delay.

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