Reports until 16:30, Tuesday 18 August 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20649)
OPS Day Shift Summary

Maintenance day, hooray!!

14:59 Richard to CER

15:14 Peter, Jason to H1 PSL enclosure for PMC work, then to H2 PSL to shut down for O1

15:16 Carlos to EX for phone work

15:21 JimW taking HAM1 HEPI down for blend filter work

15:21 Daniel to MY doing what Daniel does

15:48 Kiwamu to LVEA for VCO measurements

15:48 Duncan restarting ODC model

16:02 Fil and Elli to LVEA TCS table near HAM4

16:05 Jodi, Mitchell, Kyle to all VEAs for property tagging

16:09 Mike and BBC crew to LVEA

16:14 DAQ restart

16:16 Daniel done

16:19 Sudarshan to EY for PEM patch panel/accelerometer work

16:47 Elli and Fil done

16:49 Karen and Cristina to LVEA

17:26 Mike and BBC crew to EX

17:33 Sudarshan done

17:36 PSL crew done

17:49 Fil done

17:51 Sudarshan and FIl to EX

18:17 Jodi, etc. to LVEA

19:22 Jodi, etc. done

20:00 Sudarshan and Fil done

20:13 Fil back

20:35 Initial alignment ongoing

20:35 Gerardo to LVEA part hunting

20:35 RIchard to EY to fix railed ESD

20:40 Gerardo out

22:00 Richard to EX fixing ESD