Reports until 16:17, Wednesday 18 January 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Wednesday 18 January 2012 - last comment - 16:53, Wednesday 18 January 2012(2065)
Viton Added/Exchanged BSC8 ISI Vibration Absorbers
JimW MitchellR GregG Hugh

Greg & Mitchell Locked the ISI & used the crane to lift the four 150lb Keel Mass Stacks and placed eight 1x1x1/4"thk viton pads, two under each corner of the stack.

Meanwhile, Jim & I unbolted the six Optical Table Mass Stacks and replaced all the viton with approved material.  We also added a second metal washer under the shoulder of the Shoulder Screw to compress the viton a little less.  Now we'll see how those peaks look.

Since the ACB needs a little more tweking, we left the ISI locked.  HEPI remains unlocked.
Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 16:53, Wednesday 18 January 2012 (2066)

A picture of the top masses on the viton pieces.

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