Reports until 17:43, Tuesday 18 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20654)

We started off the morning with immediate PSL work (20638) and SR3 T2 OSEM troubleshooting (20618 requiring a full coil driver swap).  As part of the diagnostic of SR3 T2 OSEM issue, we recalibrated the DAQs on HAM5/6 (which involved restarting all of the user models on h1sush56.)

From there, we performed the planned restarts of the 4 QUAD models, the ODC model, and the OAF model.  While restoring the QUADs from SAFE to ALIGNED after the reboots, we found a bug in the SUS Guardians that caused them to go into error and not complete the transition (20627).  Kissel ended up putting the Guardians into Manual and toggling through states to finish the job.

However, the subsequent DAQ restart did not go well (20637), and we had to pause for a bit Dave to fix.

While PSL PMC work continued, various other planned tasks occured:

- Phone work at the EX

- TCSY Temp Sensor install

- HWS power supply swap

- EY/EX PEM Patch Panel and magnetometer work

- Jim HEPI filter investigations

- Kiwamu ALS DIFF PLL characterization

- ETM charge measurements


Around noon we started initial alignment.  We immediately ran into problems with:

- All 4 QUAD PUM coil watchdogs tripped due to some of the DARM DAMP VIOLIN MODE loop gains restoring to non-zero values and blasting the PUM with junk - I zeroed out these gains in the SAFE.snap files so this doesn't happen again after restarts.  The ISC_LOCK Guardian should set the gains appropriately.

- ITMx PUM had 1 coil watchdog trip which we could not clear from the medm - the PUM chassis was power cycled

- Found that a critical filter in the ITMy M0 LOCK P and Y backs were not restored to being ON after the front end restarts today - if the -140dB FM5 filter is not engaged in these loops the SUS gets a crazy kick due to giant error signals coming in from ASC during WFS steps of locking.  I have captured tha these filters get switched on in the SAFE.snap for future reboots.

- Found ETMy ESD latched to -16k  (20644)

- Found ETMx ESD not in a correct state - toggling HV ON/OFF caused it to latch to -16k (20652)

- Found ALS polarization is incorrect - bit of a stall while we stared at small error messages on the ALS screen - team commiss retuned the polar in the MSR.


So, in summary - we had 9 unexpected things happen today which took alot of troubleshooting time to diagnose and fix.

Back to continued locking - Jenne, Sheila, TJ are working on it. 

To be continued...