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Reports until 18:56, Tuesday 18 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:56, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (20660)
H1 SUS QUAD Violin Mode Monitoring Moved to H1OAF; Reduced QUAD Cycle time by ~4 [us]
J. Kissel, B. Weaver
WP #5444
ECR E1500346
II 1097

We've completed the removal of the the violin mode monitoring from the QUAD models this morning. See attached model change screen shots. 

The good news: It has reduced the end-station's QUAD model's CPU clock-cycle turn-around-time from a range of (57 - 67) to a range of (53 - 61); see attached trend (DCUID 88 = ETMX, DCUID 98 = ETMY), which puts these models back under the 1/16384 [hz] = 61 [us] limit, so we should see a drastic reduction in clock-cycle overage timing errors.

The bad news, in the copy over, we've "lost" all of the band-limiting and low pass filters. They're not truely lost, because they're in the filter archive, but because the filter banks no longer exist in the QUAD models, they don't exist in the current foton file, so it's going to be an arduous, by-hand copy and paste between files. Nutsinee and Betsy will work on restoring these tomorrow.

The new front-end library part that is now a part for the violin mode damping that now lives in the OAF model:
which has been committed to the repo. I've also committed the new local version of the top-level model,

They've been removed from this sub-library part of the QUAD_MASTER library:

This closes out the above mentioned ECR and Integration Issue for LHO. 
For LLO to update:
(1) Update the above mention library SUS common library folder
(2) Update the LLO copy of the h1oaf.mdl model for demonstrative purposes
(3) Install SUS block as shown into l1oaf.mdl
(4) The new(ish) screens (see LHO aLOG 20378
for these can be found here:

I've also saved new SDF tables such that the channels moved from the QUAD are no longer NOT FOUND.
Images attached to this report
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