Reports until 10:03, Wednesday 19 August 2015
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:03, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20661)
TCS CO2X temp sensor installation attempt part II

Fil, Peter K., Nutsinee

Today I tried to hook up the spare IR sensor and the comparator box to the controller. Again it didn't work. I tried swapping the sensor, comparator, controller, I even tried swapping DB9 cable. A set of sensor and comparator box has been sent to EE shop for analysis (one left at the controller so the CO2X can lase). Peter and Fil found that the IR sensor works but the comparator box didn't seem to behave right. Fil has replaced the op-amp and the comparator but the output was still not what we were expecting (reduced set point but the comparator tripping point didn't get any lower). We are going to replace the switch and hope for the best.