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Reports until 22:34, Tuesday 18 August 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:34, Tuesday 18 August 2015 - last comment - 03:55, Wednesday 19 August 2015(20663)
ISS second loop causing locklosses

Sudarshan, TJ, Sheila

Yesterday the ISS second loop caused 4 locklosses.  Times of the first three are 2015-08-17 22:28:26 21:52:13 and 20:54:05, plots are attached. 

The problem seems to be that the first loop diffracted power was large yesterday (13%, maybe a result of PMC misalignment? ).  The reference signal level was hard coded into the IMC guardian, which doesn't seem like a good idea since this does drift somewhat and we don't want to loose lock when it does. 

We have tried to edit the guardian so that iss_diffracted_power_target is now a dictionary, it gets set to the current value of the diffracted power before the second loop is closed.  If we're feeling brave and satisfied that we have recovered from our maintence day, we will try to engage it again.

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Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 03:55, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20673)

We haven't tested this guardian code, so for tonight we will just leave the ISS 2nd loop off.

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