Reports until 12:07, Wednesday 19 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:07, Wednesday 19 August 2015 - last comment - 14:33, Wednesday 19 August 2015(20686)
SR3 Realigned and CAGE SERVO offset rezeroed at better position

Look for a subsequent alog regarding sign change troubles in ASC from commissioners later.  However, because Stefan was lamenting that the alignment of the SRC seemed to be problematic of late, we trended the SR3 PIT pointing during OPLEV damping control epochs and CAGE servo control epochs.  We discovered that the "bad pointing" of SR3 corrected by commissioners on last Thur Aug 13 (20519) was restored somehow on the day the cage servo was implemented Sunday Aug 16 (20571).  So, today we turned the cage servo off, manually restored the SR3 PIT pointing, cleared the offset  and turned it back on.  Note - ON, OFF, and CLEAR were all done via the servo's Guardian.  Hopefully this will help with the unstable ASC matrix problems, but we'll see... 


See attached trend which represents the pointing history of SR3.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:33, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20689)

Upon further evaluation, Stefan advised that we just hard code the "good" SR3 pointing into the CAGE SERVO, so we're edited the CAGE SERVO Guardian to comment out the line where it servos around the current position, and instead added a line to servo around H1:SUS-SR3_M3_WIT_PMON = 922 (the "good" position).  Stefan, etal are still chewing on this as currently things are still subpar in low noise locking land.  Currently we are ringing up some ~41Hz mode.