Reports until 21:34, Thursday 20 August 2015
eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:34, Thursday 20 August 2015 (20730)
Started CW injections with two new pulsars
TJ, Keith, Eric

We restarted psinject at GPS = 1124166257. For ER8, the CW group has added two new pulsars not included in ER7. Also, the previous pulsar amplitudes have been decreased. One of the new pulsars is high-frequency, 1991 Hz. Keith Riles was worried the high frequency could cause saturation problems. However, TJ and I checked the output from the HWINJ filter bank and it appeared low, well below the current 200-count limit. TJ did not observe any decrease in the inspiral range or in the glitch rate coincident with the CW injections restarting. We are leaving the injections running. We are using "release" = ER8_test.