Reports until 08:03, Friday 21 August 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:03, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 15:41, Friday 21 August 2015(20736)
SDF Redness

Went through the SDF to see if I could make sense of the differences on there.  I did not make anything GREEN (i.e. I did not ACCEPT or REVERT anything because I'm not sure whether we want Operators to do this or Detector Engineers to do that). 

Here are some of my notes of Differences we have by subsystem:










Lots of channels here.  Seems like many can be ACCEPTED

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Friday 21 August 2015 (20743)

As usual, the SDF stuff just needed some investigation.  During the last few Intent drops, I cleared some SDF stuff in Corey's alog 20736.  Usually we don't have to go into such detail, but since there were a lot of question marks by each, I am adding a few notes of why things were accepted below.

Here's what I have found after hunting things down and double checked a few things with TEAM-COMMISS:

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSITMY

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSETMX

  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE10:  IN?  What does this mean? => The INPUTS are turned ON.  The change is because we are now using this loop.
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE7:  IN?  What does this mean?
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE8:  IN?  What does this mean?
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE9:  Nutsinee violin damping (8/20 16:20PST).  Are we happy with this and can we accept? - YES

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSETMY

ACCEPTED  This is the revert to turn the CAGE servo OFF and the OLDAMP servo ON  SUSSR3

  • H1:SUS-SR3_M2_OLDAMP_P_GAIN (8/19 14:38):  ??
  • H1:SUS-SR3_M2_TEST_P_GAIN (8/19 14:36):  ??

ACCEPT Tramps are not a big deal.  If they are, then they are written into the Guardian and therefore can be ignored anyways.  LSC

  • H1:LSC-MCL_TRAMP (8/20 16:31):  ??


  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_P_5_3 (8/20 16:52):  ?  - Stefan said to ACCEPT
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_P_5_8 (8/20 16:52):  ?  - Stefan said to ACCEPT
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_Y_16_3 (8/19 0:31):  ?  - See Keita's note above, we REVERTED this
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_Y_16_7 (8/19 0:31):  ?  - See Keita's note above, we REVERTED this
  • H1:ASC_MICH_P_OFFSET (8/19 22:16):  ?  - Offset button not on, so Stefan REVERTED this
  • H1:ASC_MICH_Y_OFFSET (8/19 21:11):  ?  - Offset button not on, so Stefan REVERTED this

ACCEPTED See attached snap - an additional stage of whitening is ON (the 2nd of 3), Stefan says this will likely stay on.  OMC

  • H1:OMC-DCPD_A (8/20 17:16):  ?
  • H1:OMC-DCPD_B (8/20 17:15):  ?
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:41, Friday 21 August 2015 (20761)

OMC DCPD - In fact, we have now just set SDF to NOT MON these switches since Evan/Stefan say they will be switching whitening states during different lock stretches as needed, in Guardian.