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Reports until 15:58, Friday 21 August 2015
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 17:43, Friday 21 August 2015(20762)
Roller coaster glitches likely from green ALS beam (Travis, Keita)


A huge range variation from the day before is very likely due to green light. One less thing to worry about.


In the attached 12-hour trend, t=0 is Aug 20 2015 07:20:43 UTC.

At around t=3.6h, ALSX green transmission started to fluctuate a lot (third plot from the top), and at around the same time the range started dropping (top).

At around t=6.2 something happened, both ALSX and Y unlocked for a short while and then locked to a new lock point (bottom).

After relocked to the new lock point, Y was OK while X was in a bad-but-better state, and the H1 range was similarly bad-but-better.

At around t=9.6, Y arm ALS gave up and lost lock.

Finally, at around t=10.2,  Y arm ALS beam started flashing in the arm and made a huge drop in the H1 range.

We misaligned the PZT for both green beam injection (and later closed shutters) and the H1 was happy.

I will not investige further.

Control room problem:

This is not related to glitches, but NOT being able to get any DMT data in the control room except from DMT viewer and/or NDS2 means that, for example, we cannot use dataviewer for plotting binary inspiral range.


Ligodv was unusable at least on opsws7 (one of the control room workstations) due to graphics artefacts which is probably Ubuntu problem.

Ligodv on the web (https://ldvw.ligo.caltech.edu/) doesn't have much options for plotting, Travis and I completely failed to make several traces in separate subplots.

Using DMT viewer and dataviewer in separate windows is a pain.

You can go on your own (e.g. matlab like I did here, or python or whatever), but is this really how we are supposed to work in the control room?

On top of that, even though NDS2 works, it takes 2-hours-ish before the binary range data becomes available in NDS2, so if we want a quick analysis of range-noise correlation we need to use DMT viewer and something else in separate windows.

This is a pain.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:43, Friday 21 August 2015 (20766)
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