Reports until 09:05, Saturday 22 August 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20780)
Ops 8/22 OWL Summary

8/22 OWL Shift:  7:00-15:00UTC (00:00-8:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

Arrived to Commissioning on a locked H1, and L1 down for last 12+hrs.  Environemental conditions were nominal with wind dipping below 20mph & all seismic bands also quiet.

Want to reiterate that for ER8, we are deeming 1pm - 10pm (with L1 down) as the Commissioning window.  And I'd say if you need a measurement done during the 1-10pm window and H1 is locked, break lock in H1 and do your measurement if L1 is already down.

Additionally, before Evan, Dan, Stefan left, I made sure to have them clean up any differences on SDF.  Most were cleared up except for the OMC. 

After the Commissioning work, H1 has been locked the rest of the shift with nice range ~65Mpc & a few ETMy glitches dropping range.  DARM looks nice.  At times we seem to run below the reference from 10-20Hz.  There is also a bump at about 330Hz which is above reference.  H1 was much less glitchy for this OWL shift vs yesterday.

Shift Activities: