Reports until 04:16, Saturday 22 August 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:16, Saturday 22 August 2015 - last comment - 19:06, Saturday 22 August 2015(20782)
Mid-Shift Update: H1 Back To Observing

SUMMARY:  Arrived to an H1 locked and in Commissioning, and L1 down for last 12+hrs.  There was some commissioning work and then H1 was taken to Observing Mode at 65Mpc.  Environemental conditions were nominal with wind dipping below 20mph & all seismic bands also quiet.

Commissioning Activity

Had a discussion about WP5442 with commissioners and since L1 was down and there was a measurement which needed to be done before O1, gave them a few hours to run a PLL measurement (they had it from roughly 7-10UTC).

H1 Back To Observing

Once they were done and H1 was back up to Low Noise, a roll mode was noticed aroudn ~41Hz (Dan/Evan mentioned it's a triple).  It rung down after about 10min, but it was huge at the onset.

While checking items before going to Observing Mode, noticed a CFC bit for H1OMC on the CDS Overview.  This was due to Evan & a diagnostic for LSC CARM (which we don't use).  I hit Load Coefficients to clear this bit.

At this point we were hovering at about 55Mpc.  Since we had low violin modes, transitioned from READY_FOR_HANDOFF to  ADD_WHITENING on the OMC_LOCK guardian (and then went right back to READY_FOR_HANDOFF).  This took the range up to 65Mpc. 

The range then went to a cool 65Mpc and the DARM spectrum looked very nice (compared to the previous night)--spectrum was very close/better than the reference.

SDF Overview had some DIFFERENCES, but Evan/Dan cleared most of them.  The only differences left were for:

OMC (5 diffs)

CALCS (29 diffs)

Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 19:06, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20791)

According to Mark Barton's Mathematica model, 40.4 Hz is the HSTS roll mode.