Reports until 04:49, Monday 24 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:49, Monday 24 August 2015 - last comment - 12:33, Monday 24 August 2015(20811)
Some cHard/PRC WFS investigation

Sheila, Evan

We looked again at the situation with the 45 MHz REFL WFSs, which are used as sensors for the PR3 ASC loop. In the end, we didn't implement any changes to the sensors or the associated loops.

We were motivated by the following:

  1. The current demod phases for these WFSs simply do not make sense; we expect that they should be similar (since the analog delays should be fairly well matched), but instead they are scattered by 100+ degrees.
  2. The cHard and PR3 loops are strongly cross-coupled. We would like to be able to turn up the gain of cHard without impressing extra motion from other optics into DARM. [20523, 20497]
  3. Any perturbation in the PR3 seems to couple into the SRC loops. We already know that the SRM loop is quite delicate, and we would like to get rid of this coupling if possible.

We tried the following:

After that, we couldn't get to full power because of an oscillation that showed up in dHard pitch when going to 20+ W. (We've seen this before, and it seems to be distinct from the angular instability mentioned above.) To get around this, we had to slightly beef up the resonant gain that gets turned on in dHard pitch when the power is increased.

Also, there were some small maintenance tasks that we did:

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 12:33, Monday 24 August 2015 (20825)

Two of the chaanges that we made last night we kept. 

With the new phasing for refl 45, it was no longer a good sensor to use in DRMI, so we changed PRC2 in this configuration to using the sum of refl A and B 9I.  This is in the DRMI guardian and works fine, so we've left it there. 

We left the DC coupled OpLev off, we think the cage servo will have less drift.