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Reports until 10:54, Monday 24 August 2015
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:54, Monday 24 August 2015 (20819)
DARM OLGTF model for ER8

JeffreyK, Kiwamu, Darkhan


A DARM OLG TF model and its parts, sensing and actuation functions, are used for calculating the interferometer strain, h(t), and estimation of uncertainty in reported h(t).

On last Thursday we put together a DARM OLGTF Matlab model for ER8/O1 and compared it to a DARM OLGTF measurement taken on Aug 17, 2015. This model is mainly based on a similar model for ER7 (LHO alog 18769). Currently the model agrees with the measurement to only about +/-10% in magnitude and +/- 5 deg up to 200 Hz. So there's still work need to be done, probably changing parameter file needs some fine tuning of possibly following parameters: optical gain, CC pole frequency, ESD zeros and poles, ESD gain.


Please, see a summary of things to be aware of when using this model (mostly listed differences from ER7 model):

[ol, par] = H1DARMmodel_ER8('par_file');

freq = 10 : 1 : 100;

G = par.G.getFreqResp_total(freq);

A = par.A.getFreqResp_total(freq); % total actuation function

% frequency responses of actuation stages can be obtained similarly

A_tst = par.A.getFreqResp_TST(freq);

% frequency responses of C with and without CC pole

C = par.C.getFreqResp_total(freq);

C_res = par.C.getFreqResp_noCavPole(freq);

We still need to take more DARM OLGTF and PCAL to DARM TF measurements and compare them to better estimate DARM model parameters.

The model was uploaded into calibration SVN (r1095):


The parameter file associated with measurement taken on Aug 17 is in the same directory:


I believe that these scripts are in a reasonable shape to try it with LLO DARM parameters.

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