Reports until 16:00, Monday 24 August 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Monday 24 August 2015 - last comment - 21:05, Monday 24 August 2015(20831)
Day Summary:

Calibration Measurements:

- Kiwamu, IFO down for calibrations, 9:05 - expected to be all day, continuing now

*** FYI, I move the IFO to Commissioning when this happened and should have been Calibrations - my bad.


Note; We are now in Calibration, so IFO has two states:

'"IFO is up'"  OR  "IFO is having calibration measurements run."


Today's parasitic IFO/site activities:

- JeffB to EY, dust monitor investigation, 9:07 - done

- Hugh to EX and EY, HEPI, 9:07 - done

- JeffK, ETMY, measuring coil drivers, 9:15

- Sudarshan, PEM channel check in LVEA, 9:20 - done

- TJ EX BRS reset - 9:54 - done

- Kyle, near EY (Y28) to gather stuff - done

- Dave, EX, drawing updates - 12:10 - done

- Kyle, near EY (Y28) to gather stuff, 12:54 - done

- more visits to end stations while there was the opportunity, but no changes, just monitoring or restoring equipment.


Currently no outstanding IFO issues.

Calibration measurements continue.

Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 21:05, Monday 24 August 2015 (20843)

Calibration Measurements:

- Kiwamu, IFO down for calibrations, 16:05UTC - expected to be all day, continuing now

*** FYI, I move the IFO to Commissioning when this happened and should have been Calibrations - my bad.


Note; We are now in Calibration, so IFO has two states:

'"IFO is up'"  OR  "IFO is having calibration measurements run."


Today's parasitic IFO/site activities:

- JeffB to EY, dust monitor investigation, 16:07UTC - done

- Hugh to EX and EY, HEPI, 16:07UTC- done

- JeffK, ETMY, measuring coil drivers, 16:15UTC

- Sudarshan, PEM channel check in LVEA, 16:20UTC- done

- TJ EX BRS reset - 16:54UTC- done

- Kyle, near EY (Y28) to gather stuff - done

- Dave, EX, drawing updates - 19:10UTC- done

- Kyle, near EY (Y28) to gather stuff, 19:54UTC- done

- more visits to end stations while there was the opportunity, but no changes, just monitoring or restoring equipment.


Currently no outstanding IFO issues.

Calibration measurements continue.