Reports until 00:45, Tuesday 25 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:45, Tuesday 25 August 2015 - last comment - 21:41, Friday 28 August 2015(20850)
ALS DIFF VCO / PLL Open Loop Gain Measured Again, Points back to Nominal 1.6 Hz Pole
J. Kissel, K. Izumi, C. Cahillane

Evan and Kiwmau wished to get a better answer than my supremely bold claim of being able to ALS DIFF VCO's pole and zero to 1% and 1 [deg] (LHO aLOG 20542). As such, they remeasured the ALS DIFF PLL OLGTF with no boosts, as had been done before, but this time with the PLL Common gain reduced to -32 dB([V/V]) instead of the nominal 26 dB([V/V]). In this way, they reduce the overall loop suppression, in hopes to alleaviate the non-linear distortion we had been plagued by before. The message -- they were right. The new OLGTF, with all other parameters the same, shows that the "nominal" z:p = 40:1.6 [Hz] pair fits the data better than my previously claimed z:p = 40:1.05 [Hz].

However, naturally, there is still confusion. The new *magntiude* residual shows what looks to be a descrepant pole-zero pair around 100 to 500 Hz, but there's no such affect in the phase. Recall that the frequency dependence in the model is simple -- a pole a DC for the phase-frequency descriminator, the z:p pair for the VCO, a time delay, and a single 450 kHz pole. Nothing around 100 - 500 Hz. What do we suspect? More non-linearity. Great. 

More to think on. We'll measure the PLL controller in the -32dB gain setting tomorrow to make sure it's what we hope -- non-linearity at the negative-edge of the gain setting for this box, that we can just measure and divide out.
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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 21:41, Friday 28 August 2015 (21001)

Since we propagate the uncertainty in the estimation of the poles and zeros to the entire diff calibration, we needed to do a quantitative fitting. So we did it using LISO. Here is the resultant plot:


The below are the raw output from LISO. We will propagate these errors throughout the ALS Diff calibration.

########## fitting results ###############

It seems that parameter 'delay' has only a little influence on the fit.
  Suggestion: disable the 'param delay' instruction.
Correlation matrix (using fast derivatives)
       pole1:f zero0:f  factor   delay
pole1:f       1
zero0:f   0.435       1
 factor  -0.909  -0.104       1
  delay -0.00739  -0.022 1.01e-11       1

Best parameter estimates:
pole1:f =  1.5812454061 +- 8.509m (0.538%)
zero0:f =  40.8398688169 +- 114.7m (0.281%)
factor =  1.8947798127M +- 8.898k (0.47%)
delay =  1.2910415204u +- 84.71n (6.56%)

Final chi^2=1.87823



The fitting code can be found in SVN at


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