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Reports until 09:09, Tuesday 25 August 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:09, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20857)
Maintenance Day Beginnings

At 0728 pdt the IFO dropped lock.

Prior to that the SDF was green except for the OMC, SUSETMY, and SUSPRM.  Some CALC stuff too but I'll not worry about that.

The PRM diffs are from the LL Coil driver changes and the OMC & SUSETMY diffs are captured below.  These system should not have to be restarted today.

As of 0905,

The STS2-A is installed.

Richard has been and continues to work on the PRM coils.

Keita is working the EndX QPD.

Phil is working the ETMX UIM Breaker and

Ellie is working on the TCS HWS Camera Power Supply.

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