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Reports until 11:12, Tuesday 25 August 2015
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20863)
Filter module removed from ITM HWS power supply

Filiberto, Elli 

The ITM HWS weren't working properly after installing the filter box last week (alog 20626).   Power goes from the HWS breakout box through the filter module to the HWS cameras.  The voltage drop across the filter put the voltage at the cameras below their operating range.  (There is 14V at breakout box output, 10.8V after the filter.  Operating voltage of the camera is 12-15V.  13.3V reaches camera with no filter installed.)  We have taken the filter out and reverted to the previous HWS configuration.  We will rethink the choice of filter.

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