Reports until 16:00, Tuesday 25 August 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Tuesday 25 August 2015 (20875)
Ops Day Shift Summary

LVEA: Laser Hazard

IFO: UnLocked

Observation Bit: Commissioning 


All Times in UTC

15:00 Take over from Ed

15:00 IFO Unlocked for maintenance

15:00 Hugh – Going to HAM2 to install STS A seismometer

15:00 Praxair N2 delivery to CP1

15:12 Christina & Karen – Cleaning in the LVEA

15:17 Gerardo & Kyle – Moving vacuum equipment between end stations

15:20 HFD – On site to work on alarms

15:22 Keita – Going to End-X to power cycle QPD

15:24 Joe – Escorting Sprague in LVEA

15:30 Jodi – Going to Y arm, X arm, & LVEA tagging vacuum equipment

15:33 Filiberto – Going to End-X to look into UIM problem

15:47 Joe & Sprague – Out of LVEA – Going to End-X and End-Y

15:50 Carlos – Going to End-X and End-Y to work on phones

15:54 Elli – Going to Hartman table at HAM4

15:56 Richard – Going into CER to work on PRM problem

16:01 Sudarshan – Going into LVEA to check on various PEM equipment

16:12 Nutsinee – TCS Temp Sensor swap

16:16 Elli – Out of LVEA

16:25 Filiberto – Finished at End-X

16:54 Joe & Sprague – Back from End Stations

16:55 Joe & Sprague – Going to the carpenter shop

16:59 Christina & Karen – Cleaning at End-X

17:00 Joe & Sprague – Back from carpenter shop

17:03 Sprague – Checking traps on the X-Arm  

17:05 Jodi – Finished at End Stations, going into the LVEA

17:19 Christina & Karen – Finished at End-X – Going to End-Y

17:29 Kiwamu – Going to PSL rack to measure ALS-Diff stuff

17:44 Keita – Finished at End-X

18:03 Keita – Starting model restarts

18:03 Christina & Karen Finished at End-Y

18:08 Sheila – Taking down the mode cleaner

18:24 Travis – Going into LVEA to get cables

18:26 Dave – Doing DAQ restart

18:29 Elli – Going into the LVEA to assist Nutsinee

18:32 Travis – Out of LVEA

18:38 Filiberto & Andres – Terminating cables near the PSL rack

18:41 Carlos – Back from the End Stations

18:42 Dave – Going into CER and both end stations to update drawings

18:55 Elli – Out of the LVEA

18:58 Nutsinee – Out of the LVEA

19:00 Kyle & Gerardo – Driving truck & trailer from End-Y past CS going to End-X

19:03 Jeff K. – Going into LVEA to check on cable work near PSL rack

19:05 Sprague – Back from both arms

19:10 Jeff K. – Out of LVEA

19:10 Filiberto & Andres – Out of LVEA – in CER terminating cables

19:20 Add 250ml water to PSL crystal chiller

19:35 Kyle & Gerardo – Finished moving vacuum equipment

20:22 HFD – Maintenance work at Mid-Y and End-Y

20:41 Joe & Chris – Removing birds nest from ladder

20:50 Richard – Going to the roof

21:06 Richard – Off the roof

21:12 Richard – Going into MSR

21:14 Joe & Chris – Back from Mid-X

22:16 IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE


Shift Summary & Observations:

   Start maintenance at 15:00. Working through the task list.

   No apparent issues with maintenance tasks

   Finished maintenance around 18:00, Leo and Kiwamu taking measurements until around 19:50


   Started to lock the IFO at 19:55. Green locking OK. The alignment on AS-Air did not look so good. Run an initial alignment and start locking the IFO.  Had to dress up the power by tweaking PRM (mostly in yaw). Commissioners were making fine adjustments, and the IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE with a 50Mpc range. After the initial alignment and a few adjustments by the commissioners, the IFO locked without much difficulty.   


   NOTE: The PSL crystal chiller was alarming with a low water level. Add 250ml of water to top off reservoir. According to the log on the chiller, water was last added on 08/05/15. The PSL chiller water levels need to be checked once per week.   


   Commissioners are working on calibration.